Singing Guide: Color Me Badd

Singing Guide: Color Me Badd

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Color Me Badd is a vocal group known for their R&B and pop hits in the early 90s. The group's unique sound is heavily influenced by the slow ballads and doo-wop music of the 1950s and 1960s. In this article, we will explore the vocal techniques of Color Me Badd and offer practical tips to help you sing like them.

One of the most distinctive features of Color Me Badd’s music is their soaring harmonies. The group's vocal arrangement is often described as "tight" and "polished," with each member's voice blending seamlessly with the others. Achieving this level of harmony requires a few key techniques:

  • Breath Control: Good breath control is essential for any type of singing, but it's especially important when singing in a group. To achieve a more blended sound, Color Me Badd members likely practiced and developed breath control techniques that allowed them to manage their breath support and timing. One exercise that can help with breath control is the Farinelli Breathing exercise. This exercise can help improve breath support and control, making it easier to harmonize with others.
  • Intonation: Intonation refers to the accuracy of pitch when singing. Singing in harmony requires singers to match pitch exactly. To improve your intonation skills, you can take the pitch accuracy test and practice identifying intervals.
  • Listening: Listening to other members’ voices is key to sounding good together and synchronized. This skill can be developed and enhanced over time through regular practice with other singers.

Color Me Badd's vocal style is heavily influenced by classic doo-wop music, which is characterized by close harmonies and simple melodies. To sing like them, it's important to understand the style and structure of doo-wop music. Some tips include:

  • Working on your diction: In doo-wop, lyrics are usually simple and repetitive, so it's important to enunciate clearly and crisply in order for the words and phrases to be properly understood by the audience. One exercise that can help improve your diction while singing is the Finger Bite exercise.
  • Getting the rhythm right: Doo-wop music is characterized by its infectious rhythms, which are often in 4/4 time with a backbeat. Practice songs in this genre until you become comfortable with this rhythm.
  • Use of falsetto: Falsetto is a valuable tool for achieving the higher notes in the harmony and Color Me Badd use them often. To develop your falsetto, try taking the vocal range test and singing along with songs that require a higher range.

Some great examples of Color Me Badd’s vocal style and technique can be found in their hit songs. Here are a few examples of their hits and what makes them special:

  • All 4 Love: This R&B classic features tight, smooth, and perfectly synchronized harmonies sung over a simple melody in the verses and a more complex melody in the chorus. To practice your harmonizing skills while singing this song, try the Singing Comfort Zone exercise.
  • I Adore Mi Amor: In this romantic ballad, Color Me Badd uses their skillful blending to showcase the tenderness of the lyrics by evoking a soothing ambience. To improve your breath support to create similar atmosphere, practice active respiration or diaphragm breathing mentioned in Breath support and Breathing basics.
  • Choose: This song uses moments of a cappella harmony to emphasize the emotion of the melody. To practice singing harmony a cappella like Color Me Badd does for "Choose", try using the Soft Palate and Stop Sounding Nasal exercises to improve your tone and vowel shaping.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.